Saturday, October 3, 2009

So who do you trust for news?

Ok, so check this out-

Last year, I was perusing the NY Times and I came across a news article,

Is Jon Stewart the Most Trusted Man In America?

Of course, I thought this was hilarious. But minutes later I began to ask myself, how do I get most of my news? At that time I was working a full-time job in NYC while still tending to my 3 hr-a-day-after-work responsibilities as an amateur boxing trainer and gym treasurer. Factor in my 2 hr door-to-door commute each way, and you'll understand that I didn't have a lot of time to check multiple sources for the news each day.

But during my lunch breaks I would check the NY Times one day, Rawstory another day, and The Onion on most days. Of the three, the NY Times is the most balanced, with The Rawstory having an accurate, but left-leaning slant towards the stories they report and write. But The Onion was the most enjoyable, poking fun at politics and America's social ills. The Onion, too, is left-leaning, yet is enjoyed by both liberals and right-leaning centrsits alike.

At the end of my long day (usually around 9:30, 10 pm) the wife and I enjoy both The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. A great way to wind down and go to sleep in a good mood. Did I also mention that they cover news of the day we both may have missed? They've got jokes and jokes and jokes...and yet you'll be hard pressed to find a CREDIBLE news source that will criticize either show for mis-characterizing the news. Stephen Colbert, a "satirist on Speed," absolutely TORCHED President George W. Bush at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner in 2006 and was only criticized for poor taste. Jon Stewart ripped financial guru Jim Cramer a new one and netted 2.3 million viewers.

So why is Jon Stewart trusted more than Soledad O'Brien, Tucker Carlson, or Katie Couric?

Do you think the satirical videos posted on YouTube or individual blog sites have merit? How do you know who's real and who's completely misinformed (or has the intention to misinform the viewer/reader)?

Tom Tomorrow has comics posted weekly which lampoon the politics of the day, assuming the reader trusts his interpretation of current events. But where does Tom Tomorrow get his facts to lampoon? Bill Maher's Real Time is a popular weekly satire program filled with F-bombs, sexual references, and vulgar inferences toward political opponents. So why do Bill's fans listen intently to his New Rules segment? Is it just entertainment is does he make a good point while stretching the audiences' collective attention spans longer than Jim Lehrer ever could?

So who's sense of humor keeps your attention? Feel free to comment on whoever you believe
has mastered the art of "ha ha ha.....nah, I'm only serious..."

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