Saturday, October 17, 2009

Obama's Nobel Peace Prize

I'm a Barack Obama supporter. But I'm not some partisan tribalist who saw an eloquent, somewhat scholarly man of similar race and thought, "Hmmmm....November 2008 would be the perfect time to stick it to whitey", as Rush Limbaugh might suggest. No, I saw John McCain, a man who I would have voted for in 2000 if he had gotten his party's nod, as a shell of his former self, kissing up to the far fringes of his constituency and trashing his "maverick" status in a last ditch attempt to become President of the United States. I also saw a man in Barack Obama who was actually smart enough to read a teleprompter, had the ability to "mobilize the troops" in following his lofty ideas for change, and inspired my fellow Generation Xers who had given up on voting completely due to the feeling that nothing would change no matter which side, the jackass or the trunk-nose, won the election. The choice was clear to me.

So, nine months into his first term, President Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize. I have to be honest and say that the prize is as much a joke as when peace-monger Jimmy Carter won it (his record on America's policies towards Latin America and Southeast Asia should have been considered). It was clear that mister Carter won because he was so vocally anti-Bush during Dubya's war campaigns.

It also seems to be clear that President Obama has won his award on the basis of "hope." Realistically, it's only been nine months for chrissake. How much do we really think the man is going to get achieved? I have to question the intellectual capacity of those who believed that racism would cease, everyone would get healthcare, the rain would never dampen our spirits, and a permanent rainbow would greet our our vision every morning once Obama got elected. Presidents generally don't make significant change in the American society in their first year in office. I'm willing to give the president a full 4 year term to prove him/herself as worthy of continuity. My criticism lies elsewhere.

Tom Tomorrow's latest satirical work paints a pretty good picture of how I'm feeling:

The idea of Obama

Wow....a picture can say so much more than words. Especially when those pictures are accompanied by words of sarcasm.

But this is "g-check" time for the POTUS. In too many instances (already) Pres. Obama has extended the olive branch to people who have no intention of working with him. I agree with Michael Moore's criticism that you don't go into a proposal with compromise as part of your argument. Hence, the debacle that the healthcare debate has become.

Okay, TMI, I guess. I'm going into my political feelings as though this were my former blog (with considerably less profanity ;-)). Just read the comic above and get an understanding of how many of us liberals are thinking with regards to president's seemingly dual personalities.

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